Monday, 23 April 2012

Toy Boy (Ep. 8): Quentin & Arena Homme fashion photoset

In this episode of Toy Boy you will find two great photosets: Arena Homme’s magazine fashion photoset and Quentin photoset. Have fun!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Toy Boy (Ep. 7): Parker Gregory, James Penfold & Nicolas Malleville

In this episode of Toy Boy three amazing gays: Parker Gregory, James Penfold and Nicolas Malleville. Enjoy!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Gay Rights (Ep. 1): In St. Petersburg “gay” is a synonym of “pedophile”

Important note: I’ll ask you to send the link of this blog to you friends! Maybe together we will stop this lawlessness. Thanks a lot!

Many foreigners are fond of St. Petersburg, the true cultural center of Russia. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It’s one of the most progressive cities in Russia. And now we can add one more epithet to this list: St. Petersburg is one of the most homophobic cities in the world.

The Legislative Assembly of the city decided that propaganda of homosexual orientation is as bad as propaganda of pedophilia. In fact the city authorities put the sign = between words “gay” and “pedophile”.

And what do you think means the term “propaganda of homosexual”? I’ll explain you with the help of three simple examples.

1. You and your boyfriend went to St. Petersburg on weekend. You fell in love with the city, you love each other and are happy to be here together. And then you… may be… kiss each other in presence of a policemen. You and you boyfriend will be arrested. After several hours in a cell (where you can have a great sex, for example – it’s a free voyage tip!) you will be taken to the court. The judge will say something like this: “You were bad, bad boys! Pay the fine and go back to your shitty USA!”

2. You are Sir Elton John. And you have been already guilty. Sorry, Elton, but you are the best propaganda of homosexual orientation in this world!

3. You decided to wear a stupid rainbow collared T-shit. The policeman will ask you to take it off! In St. Petersburg rainbow is out of law nowadays!

But don’t think that the citizens of St. Petersburg don’t struggle against this stupid law. For example, they regularly post video against the law on YouTube.

And on the cover of the April issue of magazine “Big City” you can read: “In this issue on pages 18-31 it's reported than homosexual orientation is as normal as heterosexual. Don’t show this issue to idiots and the deputies of St. Petersburg’s Legislative Assembly.” 

P.S.Please, don't pass by! The more people all over the world new about this terrible problem - the better! Just send the link of this blog to your friends and colleges!

Story of my life (Ep. 4): At a Video Rental

Nowadays if you want to find something – use Google, bro! But in 1999 Internet wasn’t a common thing. Even computers weren’t in every house of the country. Especially if we are talking about Belarus, not the richest country in the world. So, if you need a porn – go to the Video Rental! There we went with Kate instead of a dull Math Class.

The nearest Video Rental was right at the corner of our school. A lovely shop man, whose arms were covered with tattoos, smiled when he saw us.

‘Shrinking the lessons?’ he asked.

‘And what if we are? It’s not your business!’ Kate told him.

‘Shh… We need him’ – I whispered in her ear. She nodded and smiled to the vendor.

‘Sorry! I’m just a little bit tired. Normally I’m not such a bitch!’

‘So, what are you looking for, children?’ he stressed the last word with a false smile.

‘Mm…’ After the “children” it was rather difficult to concentrate on the subject. – ‘We need a…’

‘So… You need a – what?’

‘Holly shit! We need a gay porn!’ Kate aggressively told him. – ‘Do you have any problem with it?’

Toy Boy (Ep. 6): Jason Boyce & Nik Thakkar

To make a number of posts lower, I decided to make one issue of Toy Boy per day. But with several hot guys in one post! Enjoy!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Rainbow Video (Ep. 1): Fan made video from Queer As Folk.

Great fan made video based on the best gay-show. Great music, great actors, great work. Thanks the authors a lot! Enjoy!

Story of my life (Ep. 3): Gay Porn

‘I need to find somewhere gay porn!’ I told my best friend ever Kate (or Katya if you are Russian speaking).

‘You need WHAT?” she asked with a shock. I saw panic in her eyes. She really didn’t understand what was going on.

‘I have told you already: I NEED GAY PORN!’ I was practically screaming.

‘Sh… people!’

I understood immediately that we were in the corridor full of my classmates. It was right after my first French class in this year. It was after I saw Mr. French Class. Kate took my hand and leaded to the corner of the corridor.

‘But… I don’t understand. Are you a gay?’

‘Of cause I am!’

‘But we kissed several times last summer!’

‘Last summer I wasn’t a gay!’

‘And now?’

Toy Boy (Ep. 3): Jacob Sones

Model: Jacob Sones. Photographer: Rick Day

Toy Boy (Ep. 2): Jason Beitel

Model: Jason Beitel. Photographer: Joseph Sinclair

Toy Boy (Ep.1): Sven Csongar

Model: Sven Csongar. Photographer: Sam Scott Schiavo

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Story of my life (Ep. 2): Mr. French Class

I was thirteen, when I saw him. A handsome man came into the class. “Halo, my name is ***. I’m your French teacher”. I hated French. I knew nothing about French grammar, the spelling was a real disaster and the words couldn’t be pronounced properly if you had been learning German for five years. But it was really beautiful. Sorry, HE was really beautiful… or handsome, thanx Oxford’s Dictionary! 

I fell in love immediately. During the rest of our first lesson all I was thinking about was how to kiss him. How to touch him. How to fill his fingers on my skin.
And that caused the first problem in my school life. The first, but not the last. I was dreaming about him with my eyes widely opened and didn’t notice when the bell rang.

My classmates had been already outside the classroom, but I was still sitting at my desk. I couldn’t stir. I couldn’t stand up. I couldn't even breath! It was my first erection in the school! And what could I do with it?

‘Are you ok?’ he asked me.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Story of my life (Ep. 1): Tastes differ

They say tastes differ. Some 13 years old girls fall in love with their French teacher. Some 13 years old boys dream about French teacher’s cock. May be it was the first time when I understood everything about myself. No. It defiantly WAS the moment, when I understood everything about myself. And it was absolutely great. No lies, no hopes, no problems. “Hi, mum! Your son is gay. Don’t cry, mum…”

My name is Andrew, and I’m from Belarus. Belarus is a small country in the center of Europe. But if we speak about gays and lesbians, Belarus is the ass of Europe. Not as shitty as Russia is, but it will be a far journey to become Great Britain. Hi, Elton!

This blog is the only chance for me to speak openly with the rest of the world. The world, where gays can get married and have children. The world, where I can tell everybody the truth about who I am. “Hi, mum! Your son is gay. Don’t cry, mum…”
P.S. Sorry for errors, I’m trying to improve my English, but it’s a long-long road…